We invite all EAWOP members to participate in developing the organization. Please, click here to submit your contribution. |
Constituent members' profiles
List of profiles
Albania |
The Order of Psychologists in Albania (OPA) |
Austria |
Berufsverband Oesterreichischer PsychologInnen (BÖP) |
Division |
z.Hd. Fachsektion "Arbeits-, Wirtschafts- und Organisationspsychologie" |
Web site |
http://www.boep.or.at/Home.1.0.html |
Address |
Dietrichgasse 25/4. Stock
1030 Wien
Phone |
+43 1-407 26 72-0 |
Fax |
+43 1-407 26 72-30 |
E-mail |
buero@boep.or.at |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Dr. Paul JIMENEZ |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
University of Graz - Department of Psychology |
Address |
Universitätsplatz 2
A-8010 Graz
Austria |
Phone |
+43-316-380 51 28 |
Fax |
+43-316-380 98 07 |
E-mail |
paul.jimenez@uni-graz.at |
Belgium |
Beroepsvereeniging van Organisatie-, Consumenten- en Arbeidspsychologen (VOCAP) |
Web site |
http://www.vocap.be |
Address |
Désiré Souffreauweg 1, 9320 Nieuwerkerken (Belgium) |
E-mail |
info@vocap.be |
Chair / President |
Name |
Eva De Winter |
E-mail |
eva.de.winter@vocap.be |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Eva De Winter |
E-mail |
eva.de.winter@vocap.be |
Information |
Purpose |
VOCAP is an active constituent member of the Belgian Federation of Psychologists (BFP). The VOCAP membership is a very diverse mix of both academics and professionals, with the latter group consisting of not only consultants but also HR managers, training professionals, etc. In addition to its 200 members, VOCAP has a large database of interested contacts who are also invited to and regularly participate in monthly workshops. We also send out a monthly management literature newsletter. Through bilateral agreements of cooperation with other organizations active in the field of HR and training, members also receive invitations and discounts for additional activities.
The title of psychologist is legally protected in Belgium, and all job selection diagnostics by selection agencies must be executed or supervised by a psychologist.
Vocap is one of the 3 organisations of NetHRD, a network in the field of Human Resources and Development-activities. |
Members |
170 |
Qualifications of members |
Master psychology |
Czech Republic |
Czech Association of Work and Organizational Psychologists (CAWOP) |
Web site |
http://www.psychologieprace.cz |
Secretary |
Name |
PhDr. Nadežda Štullerová |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
ACE Consulting, a.s.r |
Address |
Konviktská 24
Praha 1
Czech Republic |
Phone |
00420 222 005 105 |
E-mail |
stullerova@ace-consulting.cz |
Web |
http://www.psychologieprace.cz |
Chair / President |
Name |
Mgr. Šárka Dobiášová |
Phone |
+420605288358 |
E-mail |
dobiasova.sarka@seznam.cz |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Mgr. Šárka Dobiášová |
Phone |
+420605288358 |
E-mail |
dobiasova.sarka@seznam.cz |
Web |
http://www.psychologieprace.cz |
Information |
Purpose |
Professional association of Work and Organizational Psychologists
Basic Information Czech Association of Work and Organizational Psychologists (CAWOP) is a voluntary association of professionals with psychological education who perform or want to perform psychological activities and provide services in the sphere of psychology of work and organisation for the needs of economic practice or administration, and that in keeping with norms given by the association.
Goals of the Association
To protect interests of the association members connected with the performance of professional activity in the sphere of psychology of work and organization.
To contribute to the provision of high quality professional psychological activities and services aimed both to the benefit of personality growth of individuals and to the economic and cultural development of the whole society.
In the professional sphere, to protect clients and society against unqualified and
professionally incompetent activities or activities that misuses the psychological qualification
for other goals.
To assist in the development of the theory and practice of the scientific branch, incl. a purposeful co-operation of the psychology of work and organization workplaces as well as co-ordination
of the research activities of the association members. |
Members |
50 |
Qualifications of members |
Academic members |
Regulation |
The title “Psychologist” is protected by law in the Czech Republic and you have to be a graduate of psychology to become a member .
Denmark |
The Danish Psychological Association (DPA) |
Web site |
http://www.dp.dk |
Address |
Stockholmsgade 27
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Denmark |
Phone |
+45 35 26 99 55 |
Fax |
+45 35 25 97 37 |
E-mail |
dp@dp.dk |
Web |
www.dp.dk |
Chair / President |
Name |
Eva Secher Mathiasen |
Address |
Stockholmsgade 27, DK-2100 Copenhagen |
Phone |
+45 35 26 99 55 |
E-mail |
dp@dp.dk |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Dorte Vilsgaard |
Address |
Fredensvang 9, DK-7600 Struer |
Phone |
+45 27 57 17 10 |
E-mail |
dorte@dorte.nu |
Information |
Purpose |
The DPA is a professional union and representative body for all psychologists in Denmark. DPA is the only association for psychologists in Denmark and nearly all psychologists are members of the DPA. |
Members |
8.855 |
Regulation |
The title “Psychologist” is protected by law in Denmark and you have to be a graduate of psychology to become a member of the DPA. |
Estonia |
Estonian Union of Work and Organizational Psychologists |
Web site |
https://www.etop.ee |
E-mail |
info@etop.ee |
Chair / President |
Name |
Pia Pedanik |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Estonian Union of Work and Organizational Psychologists |
Address |
Roosikrantsi 11, Tallinn, Harjumaa 10119 |
Phone |
+372 555 34 910 |
E-mail |
pia@etop.ee |
Web |
https://www.etop.ee |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Ave-Gail Kaskla-Kuprys |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Estonian Union of Work and Organizational Psychologists |
Address |
Roosikrantsi 11, Tallinn, Harjumaa 10119 |
Phone |
+372 503 9915 |
E-mail |
ave-gail@etop.ee |
Web |
https://www.etop.ee |
Information |
Purpose |
Our purpose is to unite people operating in the field of work and organizational psychology in Estonia. We are supporting the development and implementation of work and organizational psychology in Estonia, including stimulating cooperation between researchers and practitioners in this field. Our plan is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of training of professional work and organizational psychologists in our region and to increase public awareness in the field of work and organizational psychology including cooperation with nearby professional associations, societies, institutions and scientific and professional organizations at home and abroad.
Members |
19 (incl. 11 full members) |
Grades of membership |
Full member, Associate member, Student member |
Qualifications of members |
Full member - proven higher education (MA) in WOP field in Estonia or equivalent diploma from outside of Estonia |
Regulation |
no |
Finland |
Työ- ja organisaatiopsykologit TOP ry |
Web site |
https://www.topsykologit.fi/ |
Secretary |
Name |
Juhani Konu |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Intersearch Oy |
Phone |
+358 207 961 731 |
E-mail |
juhani.konu@intersearch.fi |
Web |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/juhani-konu-4427751/ |
Chair / President |
Name |
Annukka Tervo |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Mercuri Urval |
Phone |
+358 41 5396333 |
E-mail |
Annukka.tervo@mercuriurval.com |
Web |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/annukkatervo/ |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Annukka Tervo |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Mercuri Urval |
Phone |
+358 41 5396333 |
E-mail |
Annukka.tervo@mercuriurval.com |
Web |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/annukkatervo/ |
Information |
Purpose |
The role and mission for TOP ry:
1. to act primarily as a professional association of occupational and organisational psychologists, with the development and renewal of the professional competence of its members as a central guiding factor in its activities
2. to create a networking bridge between work and organisational psychologists, researchers and representatives of professional groups and organisations applying work and organisational psychology, both at national and, increasingly, at international level
3. to cooperate with the Finnish Psychological Association on issues related to work and organisational psychology, building on the strong expertise of its members and stakeholders in specific issues related to work and organisational psychology.
Members |
148 |
Grades of membership |
Full member, student member |
Qualifications of members |
See below on regulation, but note, TOP ry accepts also non-Finnish psychologist degree holders as members |
Regulation |
Yes in a sense that if a professional wants to become a licensed psychologist (whether WOP or other focus), their education must be approved by Valvira, National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health |
France |
The French Association Of Work And Organizational Psychology |
Secretary |
Name |
Maria IANEVA |
E-mail |
maria.ianeva@lecnam.net |
Chair / President |
Name |
Daniel GILBERT |
Address |
anne-marie.vonthron@u-paris10.fr, Philippe.Sarnin@univ-lyon2.fr |
Phone |
daniel.gilibert@univ-montp3.fr |
E-mail |
+33 688 158 506 |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Maria IANEVA |
E-mail |
maria.ianeva@lecnam.net |
Information |
Purpose |
Article 1: The objective of the French Association of Work and Organisational Psychology
(AFPTO), founded January 14 2006, is to promote French Work and Organisational
Psychology amongst national and international organisation boards and to participate in the development of practice, research, and training in this field. More specifically, the
Association aims to:
- Be a privileged spoke-person for professionals working in the field of Work and
Organisational Psychology;
- To promote research in the field of Work and Organisational Psychology;
- To reinforce national representation of Work and Organisational Psychology, and to underscore its position in relation to decisions concerning the field and its applications;
- To act as a French representative amongst European and international organisation boards and to develop, on the Francophone level, partnerships with the International
French Language Association for Work Psychology (AIPTLP);
- To inform, promote, and develop Work and Organisational Psychology in the professional work environment in accordance with the code of ethics and respect of the rights of employees in the workplace;
- To increase visibility of the teaching of Work and Organisational Psychology and to develop Continuing Education;
- To act as a bridge with the professional world
The duration of the association is unlimited.
Article 2: Actions carried out within the Association specifically pertain to the following:
- Professionals within the field of Work and Organisational Psychology in addition to the general public;
- Promote networking amongst local and regional associations, to increase their influence and presence, and to disseminate their work on a national level;
- Maintain relationships with the Research and Training Network in Work and
Organisational Psychology;
- Propose a space dedicated to the exchange and reflection on the practices of Work and Organisational Psychology, on the professional position of Work and Organisational Psychologists, and the analysis of current and emerging professional practices.
Additionally offer a space of debate and expert analysis of professional practices that claim to be within the larger field of Psychology. |
Germany |
Section Work, Organization and Business Psychology of the German Society of Psychology (DGPs) (ACADEMIC) Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- and Wirtschaftspsychologie (AOW) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) |
Greece |
The Division of Work and Organizational Psychology of the Hellenic Psychological Society (HPS) |
Chair / President |
Name |
Kostas Papachristopoulos |
E-mail |
papachristopouloskostas@gmail.com |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Katerina Georganta & Kostas Papachristopoulos |
E-mail |
k.georganta@uoi.gr |
Information |
Purpose |
Information Purpose The Hellenic Psychological Society (HPS) is an organization whose full members hold a doctoral degree in psychology and are primarily associated with universities and research institutes. The HPS was established in 1990 aiming to support the research and teaching of Psychology in Greece and has currently over 600 members. The HPS is a member of the International Union of Psychological Science.
Within the Hellenic Psychological Society (HPS), the Division of Work & Organizational Psychology was established in 1990. The Division consists of faculty members from Greek Universities, practitioners who are also PhD holders, and PhD students in Work & Organizational Psychology. The Work & Organizational Psychology Division aims to make a significant contribution in the development of work and organizational psychology in Greece. The Division's aim is to promote research in WOP, to apply empirical evidence in organizational practice, and to promote the collaboration of researchers from Greece and abroad.
The Division currently has 27 members , who are active in both research and practice and their interests cover various topics from employee recruitment and selection, training and evaluation, to employee motivation and development, organizational change, communication and career development, leadership and organizational culture, as well as employee well-being and work-family balance.
The Division organizes a bi-annual conference that focuses on theory-based research, evidence-based practice and the application of theory in organizational practice. Furthermore, the members of the Division organize invited symposia at the bi-annual research conference of the HPS. Furthermore, the members of the Organizational Psychology Division participate actively in International Conferences such as the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EWAOP) Conference, the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, and the Academy of Management Conference among others.
Ireland |
Division of Work and Organizational Psychology (DWOP), Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) |
Web site |
http://www.psihq.ie/ |
Secretary |
Name |
Caroline Conlon |
Address |
Digital Office Centre Camden
12 Camden Row, Saint Kevin’s
Dublin 8,
D08 R9CN
Ireland |
E-mail |
workandorganisation@psychologicalsociety.ie |
Chair / President |
Name |
Shane Kelly |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Caroline Conlon |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
DWOP Secretary |
Address |
Digital Office Centre Camden
12 Camden Row, Saint Kevin’s
Dublin 8,
D08 R9CN
Ireland |
E-mail |
workandorganisation@psychologicalsociety.ie |
Information |
Purpose |
Short description of the Association and Work and Organizational Psychology Division
Since the foundation of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) in the early 1970’s, individual psychologists carved out a special role for Work and Organisational Psychology (also known as Industrial/Organisational psychology) in Ireland. By the mid 1980’s, responding to demands from members of the PSI, a Masters course in Social and Organisational Psychology was first initiated in University College Dublin (UCD) in 1986.
Thereafter a Masters in Organisational Psychology was inaugurated in Dublin City University (DCU), and a Masters course in Human Resources was established in University College Cork (UCC). Currently, there are three Universities offering postgraduate courses in work and organisational psychology.
By the late 1990’s, a PSI Special Interest Group in Work and Organisational Psychology was founded, leading to a new impetus for academics and practitioners to develop and consolidate this discipline. Significant growth of interest led to the establishment of the Division of Work and Organisation Psychology (DWOP) by the Council of PSI in 2001.
The Division of Work and Organisational Psychology (DWOP) is one of eight divisions of professional psychologists in the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI). Currently, the Division represents some 75 members including psychologists who are HR specialists, change agents, practitioners in private practice, consultants, and teacher-practitioners of work and organisational psychology amongst others. The Division has recently revised its accreditation criteria for postgraduate training in W&OP and has set up a committee to roll out Stage 2 supervised practice to graduates of postgraduate courses in W&OP commencing in 2010.
The Division provides an extensive programme of seminars and master classes to its members and runs a biennial conference in work and organisational psychology - the first in 2007 entitled “Challenges Facing Irish Leaders in the 21st Century”, and most recently, its second conference in March 2009 entitled “Workplace Coaching: Empowering and Engaging Employees Through a Difficult Climate”. The Division also sponsors symposia and workshops and at the annual conference of the PSI. In 2008 the Division rolled out its strategic development plan and was also instrumental in facilitating a similar development within PSI itself. The Division founded a Coaching Psychology Group in 2008 (with a current membership of 54 W&OPs) in response to growing demand amongst its members. The Division also provides a quarterly newsletter to members. Division members make regular contributions to national and international conferences, and journals, and actively seek ways to promote the knowledge, skills and abilities of W&OPs to the general public. |
Italy |
AIP (Association of Italian Psychology) |
Division |
Work and Organizational Psychology |
Web site |
http://www.aipass.org |
Secretary |
Name |
Lorenzo Avanzi |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of Trento |
Address |
Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of Trento
Corso Bettini 31, 38068 Rovereto (TN) - Italy
Phone |
+39 0464808715 |
E-mail |
lorenzo.avanzi@unitn.it |
Chair / President |
Name |
Dina Guglielmi |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Department of Education "Giovanni Maria Bertin", Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna |
Address |
Department of Education "Giovanni Maria Bertin", Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
Via Filippo Re 6, 40126 Bologna - Italy
+39 051 2091623
Phone |
+39 051 2091623 |
E-mail |
dina.guglielmi@unibo.it |
Web |
www.aipass.org |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Amelia Manuti |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Department of Psychology, University of Turin |
Address |
Department of Psychology, University of Turin
Via Verdi 10, 10124 Turin – Italy
E-mail |
amelia.manuti@uniba.it |
Web |
www.aipass.org |
Information |
Purpose |
See: http://www.aipass.org |
Members |
130 (of Division of Association) |
Grades of membership |
Full and associate members |
Qualifications of members |
Academics |
Regulation |
Yes |
Italy |
Società Italiana di Psicologia del Lavoro e dell'Organizzazione (SIPLO) |
Latvia |
Latvian Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (LSIOP) |
Address |
Latvijas Organizaciju psihologu biedriba,
Priekulu iela 5,
Marupe, Marupes novads,
Latvia, LV-2167 |
E-mail |
lopb@lopb.lv |
Chair / President |
Name |
Martins Vitols |
Phone |
00371 22577784 |
E-mail |
martins.vitols21@gmail.com |
E-mail |
lopb@lopb.lv |
Information |
Members |
45 |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian Association Of Applied Psychology |
Address |
Traku st. 8 – 2 bldg.
LT – 01132 Vilnius
Lithuania |
Chair / President |
Name |
Gintaras Chomentauskas Ph. D. |
Address |
Traku st. 8 – 2A bldg.
LT – 01132 Vilnius
Lithuania |
Phone |
+370 5 2626763 |
E-mail |
gintaras@humanstudy.lt |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Justinas Burokas |
Address |
Traku st. 8 – 2A bldg.
LT-01132 Vilnius
Lithuania |
Phone |
+370 5 2626763 |
E-mail |
justinas@humanstudy.lt |
Information |
Purpose |
Lithuanian Association of Applied Psychology (LTPA) was established in 1991. The mission of LTPA is to unite professionals who are working in a field of applied psychology and to help them to enhance the quality of provide services.
The main aims of LTPA are:
1. To represent the interests of LTPA members and applied psychology in different institutions.
2. To promote development of different applied psychology areas. To implement and participate in psychological researches, programs and projects.
3. To take care of psychologists, psychotherapists and consultants’ professional competence and qualification.
4. To create ethical principles for Applied Psychology and Psychotherapy, create requirements for studies, training, applied research and professional practice and implement its monitoring.
LTPA sections:
1. Organizational psychology
2. Psychological assessment and researches
3. Individual and group psychotherapy
4. Couching
5. Trainings facilitation
Lithuania |
Lithuanian Psychological Association – Organizational Psychology Commitee |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Jurgita Lazauskaite-Zabielske |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Head of Organizational Psychology Committee |
Address |
Lithuanian Psychological Association
Naugarduko street 34,
LT-03228 Vilnius
Lithuania |
Phone |
+370 687 01 698 |
E-mail |
jurgita.lazauskaite@fsf.vu.lt |
Norway |
The Norwegian Psychological Association (NPA) |
Web site |
http://www.psykologforeningen.no |
Address |
P.O. box 419 Sentrum
N-0103 Oslo
(Visiting address: Kirkegata 2) |
Phone |
+47 23 10 31 30 |
E-mail |
npfpost@psykologforeningen.no |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Ole Tunold, Secretary general |
E-mail |
ole@psykologforeningen.no |
Information |
Purpose |
The Norwegian Psychological Association has about 6600 members. The Association are responsible for running the specialization in Work and Organizational Psychology, a five years education with lectures, supervised practice and thesis. There are now over 150 who have completed this specialisation. |
Members |
About 6.600 |
Poland |
Polish Association Of Organizational Psychology (PAOP) |
Web site |
http://psychologia-organizacji.pl/ |
Address |
40-126 Katowice ul.
Grazynskiego 53
Poland |
E-mail |
Barbara.smorczewska@us.edu.pl |
Chair / President |
Name |
Prof. Barbara Smorczewska |
Phone |
+48 502 172 827 |
E-mail |
Barbara.smorczewska@us.edu.pl |
E-mail |
Barbara.smorczewska@us.edu.pl |
Information |
Purpose |
The Polish Association of Organizational Psychology (PAOP) is self-governing public organization registered in 14.10.2009. Members are psychologists - practitioners, managers and researchers representing universities and institutions of Poland (Wroclaw University, Poznan University, Katholic University of Lublin, Jagiellonian University of Kraków),
The goals of PAOP are in relation to Work and Organizational Psychology:
• coordination and consolidation of professional efforts of researchers, practitioners and educators;
• development of services for customers from business, industrial, educational and other sectors;
• promotion of the professional development of the members of the Association and other concerned parties;
• promotion of international cooperation participation in international forums, workshops, trainings, joint research and exchange programmes;
• publicising the achievements and modern technologies.
The Association is open for citizens of Poland and other countries. The current membership profile of the Association is of 36 registered members; but over 70 people have confirmed their willingness to become members and their registrations are expected in the next months.
During 2008-2010, the members of the Association organised and implemented a range of activities such as:
• conferences and projects i.e. new specialisation project “Work, Organizational and Managerial Psychology” at the Institute of Psychology (to be taught in Polish and in English) with bilateral agreements;
• Post-Diploma studies at the School of Management of University of Silesia “Human Resources of Management”;
• Baltic Area Alliance activities on behalf of EAWOP. |
Portugal |
The Order of Portuguese Psychologists (OPP) |
Web site |
www.ordemdospsicologos.pt |
Secretary |
Name |
Alexandra Caldas |
Address |
Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 19D, 1050-116 Lisbon, Portugal |
Phone |
213 400 254 |
Fax |
213 400 259 |
E-mail |
alexandra.caldas@ordemdospsicologos.pt |
Web |
www.ordemdospsicologos.pt |
Address |
Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 19D, 1050-116 Lisbon, Portugal |
Phone |
213 400 250 |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Nuno Contramestre |
E-mail |
nuno.contramestre@ordemdospsicologos.pt |
Information |
Purpose |
OPP is an independent professional organization of individual, collective and/or institutional interests. The OPP looks, as always looked, for the future of the profession and is presented as a structure with political, financial and academic independence.OPP is also committed to disseminating the Work Psychologist role to the society and the business world. |
Members |
20,000 registered members |
Romania |
Asociatia de Psihologie Industriala si Organizationala (APIO) Romanian Industrial and Organizational Psychology Association |
Web site |
http://www.apio.ro |
Address |
37 Republicii Street
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj 400015
Romania |
Phone |
+4 0264 598 751 |
Fax |
+4 0264 598 751 |
Chair / President |
Name |
Andrei Ion |
E-mail |
andrei.ion@fpse.unibuc.ro |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Dragos Iliescu, PhD |
Phone |
(+4) 021 242 89 63 |
Fax |
(+4) 021 242 89 63 |
E-mail |
dragos.iliescu@testcentral.ro |
Information |
Purpose |
APIO was founded by Prof. PhD. Horia D. Pitariu in 2003. Prof. Horia D. Pitariu was also the president of APIO until March 2010 when he suddenly passed away. Since then, APIO has passed through a process of reorganization and change, starting with a general assembly and elections in June 2010. The new president is PhD. Dragos Iliescu and the Executive Committee is formed by young researchers and professionals that have been actively involved in APIO during the past years. The main activities of APIO are the National APIO Conference which is held every year (April-May) and the Human Resources Psychology Review which is issued twice a year. Details regarding APIO can be found at www.apio.ro |
Serbia |
Serbian Psychological Society (SPS) |
Web site |
http://dps.org.rs |
Secretary |
Name |
Marija Vukotic Odalovic |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Serbian Psychological Society |
Address |
Dusina 7, Belgrade, Serbia |
Phone |
+381 63 605632 |
E-mail |
sekretar@dps.org.rs |
Web |
http://dps.org.rs/kontakt1 |
Chair / President |
Name |
Tamara Dzamonja Ignjatovic |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Faculty of Phylosophy Novi Sad, Department of Psychology |
Address |
Dr Zorana Dinidica 2, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia |
Phone |
+381 62 8067631 |
E-mail |
direktorcpp@dps.org.rs |
Web |
http://dps.org.rs/organizacija/predsednik |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Boris Popov |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
University of Novi Sad |
Phone |
+381 62 8067 663 |
E-mail |
boris.popov@ff.uns.ac.rs |
Information |
Purpose |
The Society has the following goals:
- to connect and gather psychologists professionally in order to enhance the quality of the profession, as well as advanced training, experience sharing and horizontal learning of the Society members;
- to stimulate development of all branches of theoretical and applied Psychology through scientific research, creative work and communication among scientists and practitioners;
- to raise the social status of psychologists and promote Psychology as a science and profession;
- to promote, create and realize public politics from the aspect of psychological benefit and personal, as well as collective development;
- to provide acquaintance with advanced professional methods and scientific innovations, which should result in competent appearance of members in their professional and other activities related to their profession;
- to promote standards of professional work and develop the Ethics of the psychological profession;
- to organize studying of theoretical and practical problems and to cooperate with departments of psychological sciences at universities and with institutions dealing with psychological researches;
- to inform the members regarding professional literature, other publications, tests and appropriate technical devices that can be applied or have been applied in psychological evaluations, advising or diagnostics;
- to establish mutually useful linking and cooperation modalities with state authorities for solving particular issues of interest for the Society and the social community;
- to protect psychologists from requests which are not in accordance with the Law and the Code of Ethics of the Serbian Psychological Society, as well as with the establishment and activities of the Court of Honor;
- to protect the users of their services from unprofessional appliance of psychological procedures by unauthorized individuals, or legal psychologists and their unprofessional work, all regulated by the Court of Honor; and
- to establish and maintain international cooperation with related organizations. |
Members |
450 |
Grades of membership |
The members of the Society may be regular, associate or titular |
Qualifications of members |
graduated psychologists with minimum 240 ESPB |
Regulation |
no |
Slovenia |
The Slovenian Psychological Association (SPA) |
Division |
Section of work and organizational psychology |
Web site |
http://www.dps.si |
E-mail |
psy@guest.arnes.si |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Tadeja Jan |
E-mail |
tadeja.jan@klin.si |
Information |
Purpose |
The Slovenian Psychological Association (SPA) is a voluntary professional organization of psychologists in Slovenia and is a non-governmental, not-for-profit, and non-politically affiliated association bringing together members from the fields of science, education, sport, healthcare, social care, work, marketing, defence, and environmental protection. It has approx. 200 regular members.
According to the SPA Statute, the Association’s work entails:
representing the profession of psychologists and the professional interests of its members;
co-operating and assisting in the advance and development of psychological theory and practice;
informing and connecting its members;
ensuring the academic and professional development of its members, their further professional education and training through the organization and provision of lectures, workshops, courses, seminars, study days, consultations and congresses;
publishing or ensuring the publication of academic literature, particularly its own academic journal in line with relevant regulations;
coordinating and supervising the publication, maintenance, and academic application of psycho-diagnostic tools and psychological documentation in accordance with regulations;
regulating the professional status of psychologists and promoting the legal aspects of psychologists’ work;
joining professional associations from other countries and ensuring compliance with European or international criteria and standards;
ensuring the public is correctly informed about the work, achievements and potential of psychology;
ensuring respect for the principle of professional ethics among psychologists.
The work of the SPA is carried out via a number of sections: School Psychology Section, Psychology Teaching Section, Social Care Psychology Section, Legal and Family Therapy Section, Section of work and organizational psychology, Transport and Sport Medicine, and Sports Psychology Section. The SPA collaborates also with the Slovenian Psychology Students' Association. The SPA is presented online: http://www.dps.si.
The SPA is a member of and actively participates in the EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations) and the ITC (International Test Committee).
The SPA publishes the journal Psihološka obzorja / Horizons of Psychology (http://psy.ff.uni-lj.si/iGuests/Obzorja/) and is co-publisher of the journal Anthropos.
In addition to organising and holding occasional lectures, workshops, courses, seminars and study days, the SPA also organises an annual conference, the Slovenian Psychologists’ Conference and every four years the Psychologists’ Congress of Slovenia with international participation.
The SPA is also engaged in important work relating to redesigning the university study of psychology in Slovenia in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration and the European Certificate in Psychology - EuroPsy. The SPA took the initiative on this and for some years has actively worked on this issue with numerous state institutions, the business and professional sector and public bodies, and particularly closely with the psychology departments at the University of Ljubljana and the University of Maribor.
For some years, intense work has also been underway at the SPA towards the legal regulation of the practice of psychology in Slovenia, which has been closely related to various content-based and organisational aspects of the study of psychology at the universities of Ljubljana and Maribor and the introduction of the EuroPsy certificate. While in most European countries the practice of psychology has already been legally organised and prevents providers offering psychology services that do not meet professional standards, as set out, for example, in the EuroPsy certificate, Slovenia is sadly lagging well behind in this process. The SPA has already brought this to the attention of Slovenia’s Ministry of Health on numerous occasions, and has notified the general public through the media.
Work and Organisational Psychology section acts within SPA and incorporates psychologists who work as HR managers, consultants, academics, trainers and coaches in the field of work and organisational psychology. The section organises regular professional meetings two times a year, where members have the opportunity for knowledge and experience exchange, to study practices in Slovenian companies and to connect with academics. In year 2010 the section received Leonardo da Vinci grant for professional education of their members. Within this project the section sent six members to creativity training in Malta. |
Members |
200 |
Spain |
Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos (COP) - Spanish Psychological Association |
Web site |
http://www.cop.es |
Chair / President |
Name |
Francisco Santoloya-Ochando |
Address |
C/ Conde de Peñalver, 45, 5º Izq
28006 - Madrid
Spain |
Phone |
+34 (91) 4449020 |
Fax |
+34 (91) 5779172 |
E-mail |
secop@correo.cop.es |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Manuel Berdullas-Temes |
Address |
C/ Conde de Peñalver, 45, 5º Izq
28006 - Madrid
Spain |
Phone |
34 (91) 444 90 20 |
Fax |
34 (91) 309 56 15 |
E-mail |
berdullastm@cop.es |
Information |
Members |
50,000 members within COP – currently creating a WOP division |
Sweden |
National Association for Work and Organizational Psychologists |
Web site |
https://www.psykologforbundet.se/foreningar-och-natverk/nationella-foreningar/Arbets--och-Organisationspsykologer-/ |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
National Association for Work and Organizational Psychologists |
E-mail |
aopsykologerna@psykologforbundet.se |
Chair / President |
Name |
Josefine Eriksson |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
National Association for Work and Organizational Psychologists |
Address |
Nationella Föreningen för Arbets- och Organisationspsykologer
C/o Josefine Eriksson
Skebokvarnsvägen 304
12450 Bandhagen |
E-mail |
josefine.eriksson@scania.com |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Josefine Eriksson |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
National Association for Work and Organizational Psychologists |
E-mail |
josefine.eriksson@scania.com |
Information |
Purpose |
The National Association for Work and Organizational Psychologists is a professional association that operates under the Swedish Association of Psychologists. The association's overall objective is to work for the development of the psychologist's role in the field of work and organizational psychology. Another objective is to support and develop members who work consultatively, either as employees or as self-employed. The association's objective is to work for strengthened professionalism in the sense that those who applies psychological knowledge or methodology must be surrounded by societal supervision and ethical rules; support and monitor the members' professional interests; stimulate contact between members; work towards psychological knowledge being made available in organizations and in our society; on behalf of the board of the Swedish Psychological Association be the preparation body on assignments, carry out investigations, submit proposals for consultation statements and otherwise prepare questions referred by the board; on behalf of the board, represent the Swedish Psychological Association; in addition, work for the purposes of professional associations presented in the Swedish Association of Psychologists' statutes, Section 12. |
Members |
382 |
Grades of membership |
Ordinary member, supporting member and student member. |
Qualifications of members |
Members of the Swedish Psychological Association who are also interested in work and organizational psychology.
Regulation |
no |
Sweden |
Sveriges psykologförbund |
Switzerland |
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (SGAOP) |
Web site |
http://www.sgaop.ch |
Secretary |
Name |
Petra Burch |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie SGAOP |
Address |
sgaop – schweizerische gesellschaft für arbeits- und organisationspsychologie
Kägiswilerstrasse 17
6060 Sarnen |
Phone |
+41 520 76 05 |
E-mail |
info@sgaop.ch |
Web |
www.sgaop.ch |
Chair / President |
Name |
1. Helen Burri 2. Martial Berset |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
1. Mobiliar AG, 2. Büro a&o |
Address |
sgaop – schweizerische gesellschaft für arbeits- und organisationspsychologie
Kägiswilerstrasse 17
6060 Sarnen
E-mail |
1. helen.burri@sgaop.ch, 2. martial.berset@sgaop.ch |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Patricia Rink |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Kanton Bern, Personalamt |
Phone |
+41 76 712 6321 |
E-mail |
patricia.rink@sgaop.ch |
Information |
Members |
400 |
The Netherlands |
Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (NIP) |
Division |
Sector Arbeid & Organisati |
Web site |
http://www.psynip.nl |
Chair / President |
Name |
To be confirmed |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (NIP) |
Address |
Dutch Association of Psychologists (NIP)
P.O. Box 2085
3500 GB Utrecht
The Netherlands |
E-mail |
sectieao@psynip.nl |
Web |
http://www.psynip.nl |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
To be confirmed |
E-mail |
sectieao@psynip.nl |
Web |
http://www.psynip.nl |
Information |
Purpose |
NIP is the Dutch equivalent of the BPS; and the Sector is actually the Division Occ Psy (DOP); while the other constituent - WAOP - is a (smaller) organisation of researchers in Occupational Psychology. |
The Netherlands |
Werkgemeenschap van Onderzoekers in de Arbeids- & Organisatiepsycholoie (WAOP) |
Secretary |
Name |
Dr. Madelon van Hooff |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Radboud University Nijmegen |
Address |
Faculty of Work and Organizational Psychology
Phone |
0031 (0)20 598 9569 |
E-mail |
m.vanhooff@psych.ru.nl |
Chair / President |
Name |
Marianne van Woerkom |
Phone |
+31 30 253 47 00 (reception) |
E-mail |
m.vanwoerkom@tilburguniversity.edu |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Marianne van Woerkom |
Phone |
+31 30 253 47 00 (reception) |
E-mail |
m.vanwoerkom@tilburguniversity.edu |
Information |
Purpose |
WAOP - is an organisation for researchers in Occupational Psychology |
Turkey |
Turkish Psychological Association (TPA) |
Division |
The Division of Industrial and Organizational Psychology |
Web site |
www.psikolog.org.tr |
Secretary |
Name |
Ebru Ergin |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Turkish Psychological Association |
Address |
Me?rutiyet Caddesi 22/12 06640 K?z?lay - Çankaya / ANKARA |
Phone |
+90 (312) 425 67 65 |
Fax |
+90 (312) 417 40 59 |
E-mail |
bilgi@psikolog.org.tr |
Chair / President |
Name |
Gökhan Malkoç |
Phone |
+90 (312) 425 67 65 |
E-mail |
bilgi@psikolog.org.tr |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Idil Isik |
Affiliation |
Org/Dept. |
Istanbul Bilgi University |
E-mail |
idil.isik@bilgi.edu.tr |
Information |
Purpose |
The aims of the division are to define the profession of industrial, work and organizational psychology in Turkey, work with related ministries to determine the professional standards of those who will work in the professional domain, improve the quality of scientific and applied activities in this field, promote the field to increase interest and appreciation among psychology students, governmental, private and nongovernmental organizations. |
Members |
4830 full members, 45 city representatives, 16 divisions, 6 standing committees and 5 chapters. |
Ukraine |
Ukrainian Association of Organizational and Work Psychologists (UAOWP) |
Web site |
http:/www.uaowp.iatp.org.ua |
Address |
2 Pankivska str.
office 22,
01033 Kyiv
Ukraine |
Phone |
+38 044 244 37 19 |
Fax |
+38 044 244 37 19 |
E-mail |
asorgpsy@online.com.ua |
Chair / President |
Name |
Dr. Liudmyla Karamushka |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Dr. Liudmyla Karamushka |
Address |
2, Pankivska str
office 22,
01033 Kyiv
Ukraine |
Phone |
+38 044 288 07 19 |
Fax |
+38 044 450 98 16 |
E-mail |
LKARAMA01@gmail.com |
Information |
Members |
200 members and 19 Branches – 80% of members are academics |
United Kingdom |
The British Psychological Society (Division of Occupational Psychology, DOP) |
Web site |
http://www.bps.org.uk |
E-mail |
DOPChair@bps.org.uk |
Chair / President |
Name |
Liza Walter Nelson |
E-mail |
DOPChair@bps.org.uk |
EAWOP Liaison |
Name |
Liza Walter Nelson |
E-mail |
liza_nelson@hotmail.com |
Information |
Purpose |
The BPS Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) exists to promote the professional interests of occupational psychologists and those in training in the UK, and to support the development of psychology both as a profession and as a body of knowledge and skills. It provides a home, a champion, a source of support and development for occupational psychologists and trainee occupational psychologists (TOPs).
Established more than a century ago as one of the earliest Divisions of the British Psychological Society, the DOP was reconstituted in 2001 to bring practitioners and academics in occupational psychology together in a single division. It is one of the larger divisions in the BPS.
The DOP is led by an elected committee and in recent years there has been a restructure of its groups and subcommittees.
The division publishes a peer-reviewed publication, Occupational Psychology Outlook (OPO), launched in 2022; runs a major conference which will be held again in 2024; operates an Awards Scheme and delivers CPD and networking events.
An important ongoing priority for the DOP is providing support to trainees and early career psychologists working in the field of occupational psychology, encouraging them to become members of our professional community.
For more information about the DOP, please visit:
https://www.bps.org.uk/member-networks/division-occupational-psychology |
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