2 PhDs and 1 Postdoctoral Research fellowships available

A research team of the Psychological Science Research Institute (IPSY) from the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium, is seeking two highly motivated PhD students (4 Years) and one Post-doc (2 Years) for participating in a project exploring the phenomenon of Dehumanization. Dehumanization refers to the process of considering others as less human than oneself or one’s ingroup. In this project, candidates will explore dehumanization processes from the victim’s point of view. Such processes will be examined in different sub-disciplines (organizational psychology, social psychology, and clinical psychology) and by various methodological approaches (surveys, experimental designs, and neuroimaging). An outline of the general project can be obtained upon request. Candidates will be included in the research team jointly supervised by Prof. F. Stinglhamber, Prof. S. Demoulin, and Prof. P. Maurage.
PhD position 1: Organizational psychology
Candidates should have a master’s degree in psychology at the starting date. We welcome applications from strong candidates with experience and interest in research in organizational psychology. The PhD student will actively conduct field studies in organizations via the questionnaire method. Any experience in conducting surveys and in analyzing quantitative data is thus very welcome. Being able to use structural equation modeling is an asset.
PhD position 2: Experimental psychology
Candidates should have a master’s degree in psychology at the starting date. We welcome applications from strong candidates with experience and interest in research in the subdomains of social psychology and/or neuropsychology–neurosciences. The PhD student will actively conduct experimental studies among both healthy and psychiatric populations. Any experience in conducting behavioral experimentation and using neuroscience tools (programming, data collection, data analysis) is thus very welcome. In any case, candidates must be highly motivated to learn such skills.
Post-doc position 1: Social or Organizational psychology
Candidates should have a PhD degree in psychology at the starting date. Candidates should have strong methodological expertise and publications in the major outlets of one of the two following sub-domains: Social or Organizational psychology. Mixed-profiles are also welcome.
The starting date is September or October 2016 at the latest.
Salary is according to standard Belgian regulations.
The research group and environment is internationally oriented and seminars are mostly held in English, thus proficient English knowledge is a must. Moreover, the official language at Université catholique de Louvain is French, non-French speaking candidates are welcome but they should be able to master French at a sufficient level to conduct research.
Interested candidates should send a CV, motivation letter, and the email address of potential referees to Stephanie.Demoulin@uclouvain.be by June, 20th. Informal inquiries can also be sent via email.
For more information about the Psychological Science Research Institute, see https://www.uclouvain.be/en-ipsy.html
For more information about the Organizational Psychology Lab (Prof. F. Stinglhamber), see https://www.uclouvain.be/woplab.html
For more information about the Social Psychology Lab (Prof. S. Demoulin) , see http://www.uclouvain.be/cecos.html
For more information about the Laboratory for Experimental Psychopathology (Prof. P. Maurage), see http://www.uclep.be