Position Opening

Position Opening
The Department of Psychology at Old Dominion University invites applications for a tenure-track Professor of Psychology in Industrial/Organizational Psychology (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor - rank open) to begin in August 2017.
Applicants must hold a PhD in Industrial/Organizational psychology or provide evidence that the PhD will be completed prior to August 2017. Candidates at the Assistant Professor level must demonstrate strong potential for developing an outstanding, independent, funded research program and strong accomplishments in teaching. Candidates at the Associate and Full Professor levels must demonstrate substantial research accomplishments of peer-reviewed publications, a consistent record of peer-reviewed funding as a PI, current active competitive grants, and a strong and successful graduate and undergraduate teaching and mentoring record. Additionally, candidates at the rank of Full Professor must demonstrate evidence of national scholarly reputation.
Responsibilities include (a) teaching undergraduate courses to support the core undergraduate curriculum, including courses supporting our online psychology major, (b) teaching graduate courses, (c) conducting high quality, programmatic research, (d) seeking research funding, and (e) mentoring M.S. and Ph.D. students. Preference will be given to candidates with a research program that complements and expands current Industrial/Organizational faculty research and to those with expertise in one or more of the following areas: teams, occupational health, technology in the workplace, advanced statistical procedures (e.g., SEM, HLM, IRT), and performance appraisal. Candidates with expertise related to university-wide research initiatives (e.g., cybersecurity, broadening participation in STEM) and regional priorities (e.g., military training, leadership, and civilian career transitions) are likewise preferred.
ODU’s Psychology Department is in the College of Sciences and includes 31 full-time faculty members, approximately 1200 undergraduate majors, and 75 students in our graduate programs. At the graduate level, the department participates in the Virginia Consortium Program in Clinical Psychology, an APA-accredited clinical Ph.D. program, offered in conjunction with Eastern Virginia Medical School and Norfolk State University. The department also offers a terminal Master’s degree in Experimental Psychology and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Psychological Sciences, Human Factors, and Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Faculty research is currently funded by NSF, NIH, ARI, NASA and various other entities.
Old Dominion University is located in the Hampton Roads area on the Chesapeake Bay in southeastern Virginia. The area is a regional center for military, medical, and scholarly research. Old Dominion University is also home to the Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center which focuses on the use of modeling and simulation technologies for research, education, and economic development. Other local institutions that have a history of research collaboration with the department include: Eastern Virginia Medical School, NASA-Langley Research Center, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Norfolk State University, and the Human Performance Center of the US Navy. For more information about the department, visit http://sci.odu.edu/psychology/.
To apply please submit a curriculum vita, statements describing research and teaching interests, evidence of teaching effectiveness, three letters of reference, and a letter of application at https://jobs.odu.edu. Applications will be reviewed beginning October 1, 2016 and continue until the position is filled. Old Dominion University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. Minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.