7th EAWOP Early Career Summer School
14 -18 September 2020
Durham University Business School, Durham, UK
If you are an early career researcher in W/O Psychology, the 7th EAWOP Early Career Summer School at Durham University Business School is not to be missed! The summer school aims to bring together 36 young scholars from all over Europe with a diversity of interests in W/O psychology and with a strong desire to pursue a career in this field. You will have the opportunity to interact with senior W/O Psychology scholars and take part in a series of developmental activities, such as speed networking & interactive poster sessions, research methods workshops, organisational engagement and impact workshops, mentoring sessions and social events. Keynote speakers will include professors John Antonakis, Douglas Brown, Kevin Daniels, Sabine Sonnentag, Robert G. Lord and Dr. Les Graham. The summer school is organized by the International Centre of Leadership and Followership (ICLF) of Durham University and will take place in the beautiful, historic city of Durham which has a UNESCO World Heritage Site at its heart! The deadline for applications is January 7, 2020.
For applications, please visit this link: https://durhambs.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_54tdoNhcZmPfLEN
And for more information about the application process please visit the EAWOP website: http://www.eawop.org/next-school2 or contact us at eawopss2020@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you there!