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Call for research


Dear All,

Are you a researcher in Work and Organizational Psychology? Then we are looking for you! We are namely doing a study on the role of personal beliefs and values and their role in research in Work and Organizational Psychology.

This study is conducted by me, Dominik Eberle Martinez (, a bachelor student in psychology at Maastricht University under the supervision of Dr. Bram Fleuren ( as responsible researcher.
The study has been approved by the Ethical Committee of Maastricht University’s Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience under number ERCPN 289_125_12_2024.

We are looking for researchers in work and organizational psychology who have (or recently had) some formal employment in this field (e.g., PhD-candidate, post-doctoral researcher, assistant-, associate-, or full professor). If that does not describe your situation, feel free to stop reading and not participate.

The study involves a short interview (about 30 minutes) with Me on how your personal beliefs may influence your work as a researcher. More specifically, we hope to learn about your familiarity with, views on, and relationship to managerialism and antiwork as specific work-research relevant concepts.

Participation in the study is voluntary, and you can stop at any time, there are no risks involved and no are rewards given. More details will be provided before the interview. If you are interested, please let me know via e-mail.

Dominik Eberle Martinez (

Thank you very much for your consideration in participating and helping us in our study!


Dominik Eberle Martinez