EAWOP 25th Anniversary Special Call for proposals

Contributions to the integration of immigrants and refugees in European workplaces
Europe is experiencing an influx of migrants and refugees unprecedented in recent decades, most of them escaping conflict zones such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Somalia. According to EU officials more than 700.000 people have come to Europe in 2015 seeking sanctuary and employment, creating major pressures for reception centres and border authorities in many EU countries. Based on the present situation and in consideration of international developments, the EU anticipates that the flux rate will not slow down before 2017. Thus it is plausible to expect that in two to three years several million refugees will have settled in Europe, seeking integration and employment. Finding a job is a gateway for immigrants and refugees to show their value and capacities to a receiving country, to rebuild their lives with dignity and ensure that they are empowered to find long-term solutions to their displacement.
Psychological knowledge and interventions aimed at helping immigrants and refugees have so far mostly concentrated on trauma and general mental health treatment. Given the above considerations, however, there is a need to broaden such knowledge and interventions to include work-related issues. The work role is central to the identity and mental health of individuals, long known through the work of Marie Jahoda, and is also crucial in the integration process of immigrants and refugees.
The mission of EAWOP is to promote and support the development and application of Work and Organizational Psychology in Europe and to facilitate links between scientists and practitioners working in this field across Europe. To mark the association's 25th anniversary the EAWOP Executive Committee (EC) has decided to launch a special call for proposals for members and constituents aimed at Contributions to the integration of immigrants and refugees in European workplaces. With this call the EAWOP EC wants to support initiatives promoted by its members that raise awareness and knowledge on work-related psychological aspects that enhance the integration of immigrants and refugees in Europe.
Initiatives may be either research or practice-oriented and may include events for the dissemination of experiences and good practices as well. Additionally, initiatives may take different forms, including (but not limited to) small (e.g. one-day) conferences, symposia, seminars, workshops, occupational training and educational activities, and pilot studies/projects.
A wide range of specific topics falling under the broad theme indicated above can be targeted, such as:
Facilitating identity rebuilding processes through workplace experiences
Empowering individuals in the job search process, including the identification of barriers and enabling factors for successful job search
Diversity management
Work family issues
Ad hoc vocational training
Work-related well-being interventions
Proposals including an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach (e.g. clinical, medical, sociological, etc.) are particularly welcome as long as Work and Organizational Psychology is part of the approach and remains central to the initiative. Cross-country proposals are particularly welcome.
EAWOP will make available 25'000 Euros overall for this call, funding individual proposals with up 5000 Euros. This budget is to be used exclusively for organisational costs. Moreover, it is explicitly meant for not-for-profit initiatives only. Participation fees for events can be requested (max. 50 Euros for students/unemployed persons; max. 100 Euro for employed persons). Please note that the organisers of the funded initiative will receive up to 3000 Euros before the initiative and the remainder after it (on the presentation of original invoices) following the requirements presented below.
EAWOP funding is contingent on: submission of a 5-10 page report (including an executive summary) about the event and the final account. In order to receive funding original invoices are required after the initiative has taken place corresponding to the amount to be financed by EAWOP. These invoices should have EAWOP in the entity name. Additionally, for requesting the advance of the funding the final program of the initiative and a short description/justification of expenses is required.
EAWOP members or Constituents interested in responding to this call are invited to submit a proposal to the EAWOP EC by email to Cristian Balducci, cristian.balducci3@unibo.it.
The deadline for submissions is February 29th, 2016. The response of acceptance will be communicated by March 31st, 2016. The proposal should contain the following:
Title and description of the initiative, including a rationale for its importance as far as the main topic of this call is concerned;
Dates and place of the initiative (which should take place in 2016);
Organizing committee and contact person;
The following criteria will be used for selecting the successful proposals: a) relevance to the call; b) combination of research and applied/practical dimensions; c) having an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach; d) including an international/European component; e) implications that reach beyond the local event itself. Additionally, the EC asks for a commitment by the organizers of funded initiatives to participate in a joint symposium at the EAWOP 2017 congress in Dublin aimed at disseminating the results achieved with the call.