EAWOP SGM - call for papers
Submission deadline: 15th July 2012
EAWOP Small Group Meeting
Bridging the Great Divide: Advancing the Science of Multiteam Systems Through International Collaboratio
27th October – 29th October 2012, Varenna (Lake Como), Italy
Small Group Meeting theme
Rapid trends toward globalized, digitized work offers the promise of joining together individuals with varied background, competencies, and capabilities. These collectives have the potential to solve some of the great challenges of today. Not surprisingly, researchers in Work and Organizational Psychology have been building theory and research to understand these complex collectives, termed “multiteam systems” (MTSs). Broadly defined, MTSs are tightly coupled constellations of teams that contribute unique knowledge, skills, expertise, and functions in pursuit of the accomplishment of goals too large to be performed by a single team. Though rarely labeled as such, MTSs are prevalent, operating both within and across organizations, across many different contexts and operational domains. However, this burgeoning field is still in the process of establishing a substantial literature base.
Small Group Meeting aim and agenda
This small group meeting will bring together experts in the field from around the world to collaboratively discuss the globally relevant topic of MTSs. The aim of the meeting is to foster relevant and novel investigation within the field of teams and MTSs, while supporting the development of global research ties.
In particular, the three key goals of the conference are as follows:
First, we hope to advance the state of the science of MTSs by introducing new perspectives and generating new hypotheses and research directions.
Second, the conference will be designed to build international visibility for this topic as well as serve as a catalyst for the development of a community of practice composed of individuals interested in MTS research.
The final goal of the conference is to prepare conference participants for future collaborations with one another by facilitating development of specific “collaboration action plans.” These plans will include identification of relevant MTS research questions and potential sources of funding to support future research.
Over the course of the two and a half day conference, participants will critically evaluate the current state of MTSs research, develop new research directions, and coordinate with one another to form international research teams.
Confirmed Participants
Leslie DeChurch, US
Peter Essens, NL
Ramon Rico, Spain
Steve Zaccaro, US
Noshir Contractor, US
Barthelemy Chollet, France
Michaela Kolbe, Switzerland
Gudela Grote, Switzerland
Sjir Uidewilligen, NL
Helen Hughes, UK
Tom Calvard, UK
Thom de Vries, NL
Meeting Format, Dates, and Location
This meeting will be a small-scale workshop taking place over two and a half days. The meeting will begin with a reception and opening address on the 27th, and conclude with dinner on the 29th. There will be two full days of intensive interactive sessions where we will collaboratively chart a new course for multiteam system research. The meeting will be held at Hotel Villa Cipressi, Varenna (Lake Como), Italy (http://www.hotelvillacipressi.it/).
The conference will include a mix of presentations, panel discussions, and break-out sessions to encourage maximum participant involvement.
Submission of Papers
This conference will be limited to approximately 25 participants. Twelve EAWOP members who are team research experts are currently committed to participating in the conference. Participants who submit competitive paper proposals for MTS-related research presentations will fill the remaining slots.
Theoretical and empirical papers, as well as rich descriptive case studies, are encouraged. Submissions should focus on advancing the science of MTSs. For example, papers may focus on identifying antecedents of MTS-effectiveness, especially within those systems faced with time-sensitive globally relevant issues (e.g., climate change, sustainability, crisis management, disaster relief, scientific discovery, etc.), improving measurement of MTS constructs, and the development of MTS theory.
Papers should be submitted to co-conference organizer, Leslie DeChurch, at multiteamsystems@gmail.com
Please ensure that papers comply with the following format:
Page 1: Title; Author Name; Affiliation; Street address; Email address, Abstract of 250 words.
Pages 2-7: between 4 to 6 pages of text (including tables, figures and references).
The maximum paper length is 7 pages, Times New Roman, 12pt, double-spaced.
After the review process, each author will be notified about the acceptance of their submitted paper by August 15, 2012. Participants will need to then confirm their attendance by September 15. Papers and pre-workshop reflective questions will be made available to all participants by September 15, in order to facilitate fruitful and in-depth discussions during the meeting.
Deadline Submission July 15, 2012.
Notification acceptance August 15, 2012
Confirmation attendance September 1, 2012
Distribution papers, etc September 15, 2012
Workshop October 27-29, 2012
Publication of Papers
Participants will receive feedback on their papers during the meeting with the aim to develop high-quality papers ready for submission to a special issue of the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology on Multiteam Systems.
The conference will waive registration fees for all participants. Participants will need to cover their own travel expenses. We have arranged for a hotel rate of 140 Euros/day for all participants. This includes lodging and all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner incl wine).
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Organizing Committee
Leslie DeChurch, PhD (lesliedechurch@gmail.com)
Georgia Institute of Technology, 654 Cherry Street, Atlanta, Georgia, US
Peter Essens, PhD ((peter.essens@tno.nl)
The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), NL
Ramon Rico, PhD (ramon.rico@uam.es)
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28413 Madrid, Spain
Dorothy Carter (dorothyrpc@gmail.com)
Georgia Institute of Technology, 654 Cherry Street, Atlanta, GA, US
Raquel Asencio-Hodge (rasenciohodge@gmail.com)
Georgia Institute of Tecnology, 654 Cherry Street, Atlanta, GA, US