EAWOP Small Group Meeting on Recruitment and Assessment 2.0

EAWOP Small Group Meeting:
Recruitment and Assessment 2.0: Trends, Developments, and Challenges
In collaboration with the European Network for Selection Researchers (ENESER)
August 27 – 29, 2014
Ghent University Belgium
Call for Papers
Eva Derous - Filip Lievens – Filip De Fruyt – Bart Wille – Wilfried De Corte
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences – Ghent University - Belgium
Neil Anderson
Brunel University - UK
Conference theme and scope
Recruitment and assessment play a strategic role in organizations, due to the ‘war for talent’ and organizations’ strive for excellence. Recent demographic and technological changes also trigger a host of new developments in recruiting and assessing potential employees like the use of social media, the use of multimedia to assess applicants (such as video resumes, webcam tests), the issue of adverse impact in testing, and the assessment of specific skills and behaviors (such as innovation and counter-productive work behavior) to name a few. The focus of the small group meeting (SGM) is on the way strategic, technological, and societal challenges ‘shape’ our recruitment and assessment practices as well as avenues for further research.
Possible topics to be addressed in this meeting will include:
New insights into organizational branding
Attraction of special groups and targeted recruitment tactics
Recruitment through social media with its effects on validity, perceptions, efficiency
Early identification of organizational fit
New tools in recruitment that integrate applicant attraction with assessment practices
Individual and organizational level outcomes of recruitment and assessment practices
Adverse impact and discriminatory issues, like perceived discrimination, in recruitment and selection
Recent developments in the assessment of adaptive, innovative, and creative skills
Recent developments in the assessment and prediction of deviant behaviors / integrity at work
New selection tools and methods, including multimedia tools like webcam tests
Advanced person-job, person-organization and person-team fit (multilevel selection)
This list of topics is illustrative. Further enquiries regarding topics should be emailed to Eva Derous - eva.derous@ugent.be
Nature of the meeting
This is a small-scale workshop over three days with approximately 20-25 oral presentations and plenty of time for discussion. The meeting will be open to everyone who is actively doing research in the area of recruitment and assessment. Please note that the number of participants will be restricted to a maximum of 40 participants.
Presentations will be on an invited-only basis: abstracts will be pre-screened and selected by the scientific committee, following a peer-review procedure. Upon acceptance of abstracts, participants will be asked to upload a full paper.
The meeting will be held at the historical site 'Monasterium PoortAckere', a medieval cloister that once hosted beguines and recently was renovated to serve as a conference venue / hotel / restaurant. Monasterium PoortAckere is located in the city center of Ghent (Belgium), nearby the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Ghent University and several other hotels. Special rates are provided for participants who stay in one of the rooms at the Monasterium PoortAckere.
Conference fees
Early bird rate (until June 15, 2014):
Ph.D.: 150 EUR
Ph.D. students: 100 EUR
Late bird rate (after June 15, 2014)
Ph.D.: 200 EUR
Ph.D. students: 150 EUR
The registration fee includes a conference dinner, three lunches, all coffee-breaks and one social activity. We reserved several rooms at the conference venue/Monasterium Poortackere at a reduced rate. For further information, please visit our website http://www.eneser.ugent.be
Submission of abstract and full paper
Paper abstracts (up till 500 words, references excluded) should be submitted by March 15, 2014 to Eva Derous - eva.derous@ugent.be. Participants will be notified about the acceptance of their paper by May 15, 2014. Full papers should be submitted by July 15, 2014 so that they can be made available to all participants before the meeting.
IJSA Special Issue
Presenters at the SGM will be invited to submit their papers to be considered for publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Selection and Assessment. More information will follow during the SGM.
Updates/ more information
Please visit our website: http://www.eneser.ugent.be for updates & more information and/or send an email to Eva Derous - eva.derous@ugent.be