EAWOP Small Group Meeting on The Future of Idiosyncratic Deals

EAWOP Small Group Meeting Call for Papers
The Future of Idiosyncratic Deals: How Individual Agreements Shape the 21st Century Workplace
19-21 November, 2014, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Employees nowadays increasingly negotiate individual arrangements with their employers about for instance their development, financial compensation and their working schedules. Employees no longer accept equal treatment, but increasingly demand their employers to approach them as individual human beings rather than human resources, which can be easily substituted by other human resources. These individual negotiations have been conceptualized scientifically as idiosyncratic deals, or I-deals for short (Rousseau, 2005; Rousseau et al., 2006). I-deals are individual agreements negotiated between employees and their organizations, and have gained increasing popularity since the publication of the book of Rousseau (2005) on I-deals. An increasing number of studies have been published on the determinants and effects of I-deals, as well as the context in which I-deals are negotiated (e.g., Anand et al., 2010; Bal et al., 2012; Hornung et al., 2008; Rosen et al., 2013). However, despite the accumulating evidence that I-deals may have a profound impact on employees and organizations, there are multiple conceptual issues that researchers have raised concerning the concept and its effects on outcomes.
The purpose of the SGM is to bring I-deal researchers together and to discuss important matters concerning I-deals, such as conceptualization, measurement, and future research. The meeting will take place with 20-25 participants, and will have 2 keynote speakers. There will be ample time to present papers, discuss individual papers, as well as general future directions. The SGM will take place 19-21 November 2014, in Bath, United Kingdom. The SGM will be held at the School of Management, University of Bath. We are planning to publish selected papers in a special issue of an academic journal, e.g., EJWOP. More information will follow and to be discussed during the meeting.
Submission of Abstracts
Paper abstracts (up to 500 words) should be submitted by September 19, 2014 to p.m.bal@bath.ac.uk. Participants will be notified about the acceptance of their paper by October 17, 2014. Working papers (up to 10 pages, font 12, double spaced) should be submitted by November 7, 2014, so that they can be made available to all participants before the meeting.
The costs will be £175 for participants and £100 for PhD-students. This includes refreshments, lunches and conference dinners.
Organizing Committee
The meeting is organized by Matthijs Bal (University of Bath), Brigitte Kroon (University of Tilburg), and Charissa Freese (University of Tilburg). For any questions, please email Matthijs Bal: p.m.bal@bath.ac.uk.