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Invitation for EAWOP Members to Fill in Policy Task Force Survey


Dear EAWOP member,

In 2017 at the Dublin conference, the EAWOP General Assembly voted for a proposal that a task force develops a plan for a ‘think tank’ and/or other activities related to influencing workplace related policy and practice to be presented at the Turin conference in 2019. One activity for the task force was to design a survey asking the EAWOP membership about their experience with an interest in advocacy efforts.

This now is the survey that we ask you to fill in via the link below, in order to learn about your current and possible future role in EAWOP advocacy work:

EAWOP Survey (2018)

Please take a few minutes to answer our questions as your input will be crucial for developing our policy-related activities further.
This survey will take less than 10 minutes (3 pages).

We would ask you to put aside these 10 minutes and complete the survey no later than 15 November 2018. Thank you in advance.

For the EAWOP Task Force,

Dragos Iliescu & Gudela Grote