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Meta-analysis - looking for additional data regarding stress and working adults


A team of researchers from SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw and Trauma, Health, and Hazards Center, University of Colorado (Ewelina Smoktunowicz, Anna Rogala, Roman Cieslak, Charles C. Benight, Carolyn "Carrie" Yeager, Natalia Michalak) is currently conducting a systematic review with meta-analysis examining the effectiveness of web- and mobile-based interventions for stress, job burnout, and depression in the workplace setting.

The study has been registered on PROSPERO. 

They are looking for published, unpublished and ongoing research meeting following inclusion criteria:
1) samples consist of working adults (18 and above)
2) at least one group of participants was exposed to web- or mobile-based intervention (excluding e-mail- and CD-based treatments)
3) the primary outcome is stress with job burnout and depression as optional outcome.

If you have access to relevant data or have any questions please contact Carrie Yeager at