Small Group Meeting Call for Proposals 2017

Small Group Meeting Call for Proposals 2017
The Alliance of Organizational Psychology’s (AOP’s) mission is to enhance the contributions of organizational, industrial, and work psychology to society through improvements in the quality of work life and the effectiveness of individuals and organizations; to develop more effective communication and collaboration among AOP’s member organizations; and to advance the science and practice of organizational, industrial, and work psychology internationally. The Alliance has been established by the Organizational Psychology Division of the International Association for Applied Psychology (Division 1), the European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). The Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (CSIOP) recently joined AOP. For more information please visit our web page:
One way to help achieve this mission is to fund small group meetings (SGMs) that bring together organizational psychologists across our member associations to address topics that are:
Highly significant to our profession and/or society
Challenging and potentially vexing, or maybe even controversial
Directly or indirectly relevant to both research and practice
Complex, thus benefiting from a global perspective
AOP is seeking proposals for SGMs that address topics with these characteristics. These meetings would likely span 2 days, and typically have a maximum of 20-25 people (although exceptions will be considered), draw attendees from all member associations, and have clear international representation.
AOP will offer a budget of up to $7000 per meeting (one will be funded each year). This budget is intended for organizational costs that may include venue rental, catering, economy travel for speakers or attendees, and lodging. It is not meant to cover all costs – organizers are expected to seek additional funding from their home organizations, and/or publishers, and/or other relevant entities. Registration fees may be another source of potential revenue, but they must be reasonable and affordable.
Neither AOP nor its member organizations will be involved in planning, running, or organizing the meeting. That is left to the proposers of the SGM.
A proposal should contain the following and be roughly 3-5 double-spaced pages.
Title and description of the SGM, including a rationale for its importance to AOP and how it meets the criteria above regarding the topic.
Potential dates and location of the meeting. The SGM itself can occur anywhere from 6 months to 14 months from the submission date of this Call for Proposals (although exceptions will be considered).
Organizing committee and contact person.
Attendees of the SGM can either be invited or attend through an open call (or some combination thereof). We do expect most attendees to be members of the AOP consortium of organizations, with roughly equal representation across member associations. Please note in your proposal should describe your desired attendees, any confirmed participants, and how you will assure representation across membership organizations. It may be the case that in addition to the above core requirement that you would like to include other relevant guests who are not members of the AOP member organizations. If this is the case, please explain in your proposal.
The types of expected outcomes (e.g., publications, executive briefings, special issues, conference presentations, effect practice guidelines for practitioners, policy statements, media releases, etc.)
Budget, including plans to secure additional funding.
As part of the review process, AOP may reach out with additional questions and requests for information from the SGM proposers. Proposals will be submitted to Steven Rogelberg (, Chair, AOP Small Groups Meetings Committee by June 1, 2017.
Final Notes
· SGM proposers will commit to producing a white paper/position, around 1000-1500 words providing a short overview of the topic, its importance, key discussion points/ ideas, takeaways etc. This will be posted online on the Alliance website (and by its consortium of organizations) and be free of charge to the community.
· The SGM and any marketing and subsequent publications (which we strongly encourage) will credit AOP as a sponsor.
· The SGM is a not-for-profit meeting only. Any funding generated will be used to carry out the meeting itself and to keep costs down for participants.
· If approved, SGM proposers will get the AOP funding after the meeting occurs and receipts are submitted. In some cases, expenses prior to the meeting can be paid.
· If approved, SGM proposers will provide AOP with regular updates and, within a month of the SGM, a final two-page report about the meeting, including: its purpose and structure, who attended, how monies were spent, outcomes, and plans for future outcomes. A copy of the final program should be appended.
· To the extent possible, we ask SGM proposers to try to publish “outcomes” associated with the meeting.
Past AOP Small Group Meetings Funded:
“Fostering Ethical, Relevant and Rigorous Research”: The Alliance for Organizational Psychology (AOP) held its first Small Group Meeting in February 2016 in Zurich, Switzerland. The Small Group Meeting was led by Gudela Grote and Jose Cortina and focused on the systemic concerns and issues within the current publication process and related academic structures that are utilized to support such processes. Entitled "Fostering Ethical, Rigorous and Relevant Research: The Contribution of Work and Organizational Psychology", the meeting included a lively debate over a 1.5 day period and discussed tensions between (un)ethical scientific conduct and the need for increased rigor and relevance.
AOP SGM Committee
Steven Rogelberg, Chair
Alex Alonso
Sharon Parker
Ioannis Nikolaou