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Statistical Horizons Short Seminars


Statistical Horizons Short Seminars


Join participants from around the world and learn the latest statistical methods from the convenience of your own home or office. Statistical Horizons, founded in 2005, offers a roster of over 60 rotating courses – all in a virtual format. The seminars are efficient, affordable, and enjoyable, ranging from 3-4 days. All sessions are recorded so you can watch at your leisure. Our courses are geared toward busy researchers working in academia, business, non-profit organizations, and government and cover many topics that are not often found in graduate curricula.
This fall, we’re hosting over 25 seminars on a wide variety of statistical methods and coding (check out our new division, Code Horizons). These include:

Advanced Machine Learning (Oct. 7-9) builds off of introductory Machine Learning, covering advanced topics for researchers already familiar with topics like regularization in regression, cross-validation, and decision trees.

Statistics with R (Oct. 14-16) is designed as an introduction to R for those who are looking to use R for applied statistical tasks.

Difference in Differences (Oct. 14-16) offers a thorough introduction to classical and modern Difference-in-Differences methods, used to estimate causal effects of policy interventions in the social and medical sciences.

Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling (Dec. 2-4) covers the basics for understanding, building, and analyzing agent-based models using NetLogo, a popular, free, and easy-to-learn language designed expressly for coding and visualizing agent-based models.

Please email for more information on any of our courses or to receive a discount.