Studying work as it is: Capturing dynamics in workplace relationships

EAWOP Small Group Meeting on studying work as it is: Capturing dynamics in workplace relationships.
EAWOP Small Group Meeting
Studying work as it is: Capturing dynamics in workplace relationships.
Integrating research streams and facilitating international collaboration
Call for Papers
September 13th – 15th, 2015
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Organizers: Yannick Griep, Tim Vantilborgh, Joeri Hofmans, Sara De Gieter, and Roland Pepermans
Conference Theme and Scope
The editorial boards of leading journals such as the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Applied Psychology, and the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology have—in the recent past—launched several calls for more dynamic research in the field of Organizational Behavior (OB). The reason is that there is a growing awareness that most phenomena in OB are inherently temporal in nature and that it is important to study how these phenomena and relationships evolve and change over time, how employees react to these changes, and how trajectories appear and disappear over time. Indeed, looking at these phenomena through a temporal and process-oriented lens undoubtedly leads to a better understanding of the ‘how’ question (by looking at interrelationships between temporal aspects of phenomena), as well as of the ‘why’ question (by looking at determinants of these temporal characteristics) (Chan, 1998; Collins, 2006; Roe, 2008). Therefore, temporal and process-oriented studies often provide a realistic representation of what actually happens at work and how work events influence what happens outside of work.
However, at the same time dynamic, temporal studies are complex as they require a ‘temporal and process-oriented intuition’, which implies creating a prototypical story of ‘what happens’, ‘why it happens’, ‘when it happens’, and ‘how it happens’ over a certain time interval (Roe, 2008). Moreover, dynamic studies require specific data-collection methods such as daily diary, experience sampling, and event sampling designs and they also necessitate the use of complex data-analytical techniques such as growth modeling, multilevel regression analysis, and functional data analysis. The present small group meeting aims at advancing the field by exchanging state-of-the-art knowledge on all three fronts (i.e., dynamic theory, study design, methodology, and statistics).
Format of the conference
The EAWOP Small Group Meeting is a conference taking place over three days, beginning on Sunday, 13th of September 2015 (informal welcome reception) and ending on Tuesday, 15th of September 2015 (Sunday, 19:00 – 21:00, Monday 8:00 – 17:30, Tuesday 08:00 – 16:30). The meeting will feature keynote talks by Prof. dr. Robert Roe and Prof. dr. Timothy A. Judge, approximately 24 paper presentations, two poster sessions, and a roundtable discussion on ideas for the future of the field. Ample time will be provided for discussions and networking.
Brussels is the capital and largest city of Belgium and the capital of the European Union. Brussels has grown from a small fortress town founded by the descendants of Charlemagne to a major center for international politics. Hosting principle European Union institutions, the secretariat of the BeNeLux and the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the city has become the polyglot home of numerous international organizations, politicians, diplomats and civil servants from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Home to over 80 renowned art museums, several UNESCO World Heritage Sites and famous Belgian chocolates and beer, Brussels is only a few hours away from European capitals such as Amsterdam, Paris, and London. With a population of around 1.8 million, the city attracts countless foreign visitors both for tourism and business. For more information on Brussels, visit
The Small Group Meeting will take place at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and is hosted by the Research Group Work and Organizational Psychology (WOPs), Brussels, Belgium. The university is conveniently located in the capital of Europe, with plenty availability of public transport, close to Brussels National Airport, as well as to Brussels South Station (Thalys, Eurostar and TGV arrivals), so that participants can easily reach the city and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. All presentations will be held at the U-Residence, the new conference center of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, located on the campus of the university.
Conference fees
The conference fee is 50 EUR for all participants. This registration fee includes two lunches, all coffee breaks and a welcome reception. A contingent of rooms has been pre-booked at the U-Residence conference hotel at a reduced rate of 75 EUR per night, including breakfast. A reservation can be made via the online registration system at
Submission of abstracts
Participants are invited to submit paper abstracts (up to 500 words) by May 1st, 2015 via the online submission system at Submissions should be structured as follows: purpose/contribution, design/methodology, results, limitations, implications, and originality/value. In the abstract, authors should also indicate how their paper fits the scope of the Small Group Meeting. Submitted abstracts will be pre-screened and selected by the scientific committee (a selection of scientific scholars from the EAWOP members) following a blind peer-review procedure. Participants will have the opportunity to submit their work either as an oral presentation or poster presentation, and will be notified about the acceptance of their paper by May 15th, 2015.
Special Issue
We are planning to submit a selection of the accepted papers for potential publication in a special issue of an academic journal, potentially the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (EJWOP). This will be discussed in more detail at the SGM. Participants are therefore kindly invited to consider submitting a full paper submission (up to 40 pages, times, font 12, double spaced) to by October 15th, 2015.
More information can be found at