Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management

Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management
Université Paris Dauphine, DRM - Management & Organisation
18 and 19 May 2016
Call for Contributions
Talya Bauer (Portland State University)
Kathleen Bentein (UQAM)
Neil Conway (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Robert Liden (University of Illinois at Chicago)
David Patient (Católica School of Business and Economics, Lisbon)
Denise Rousseau (Carnegie Mellon University)
Lynn Shore (Colorado State University)
Daniel Turban (University of Missouri)
The workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management will be held at the University of Paris-Dauphine, in Paris, France, from May 18th to 19th, 2016. We cordially invite researchers and PhD students to submit papers to be presented at the workshop. Please see below for further details concerning the workshop schedule and the submission process.
Workshop schedule
We invite submissions relating to any of the following topics: work motivation, workplace commitment, organizational justice, psychological contract, organizational trust, diversity, social exchange theories, employment relationships, leadership, work and health, high performance work systems, HRM policies and practices, compensation management, and socialization. Papers exploring new questions in OB-HRM research are also encouraged.
We welcome papers that adopt a theoretical or an empirical perspective on these topics. Submissions may be research-in-progress, a draft manuscript, or a paper that is ready to be submitted to a journal. PhD students are invited to present advances in their doctoral research projects in order to stimulate discussion and feedback. All papers selected for presentation will be reviewed and commented on by two of the invited guests.
Authors will have 20 minutes to present their research, followed by 25 minutes for discussion, which will include specific both feedback from invited guests and an open discussion with the audience.
Submission process
Please confirm your intention to participate in the workshop by submitting a title and a 10- to 20-line abstract by January 11th, 2016 via email to: The deadline for the submission of full papers is February 8th, 2016.
1. The entire paper (title page, abstract, main text, figures, tables, references, etc.) must be in ONE document created in Word format.
2. The maximum length of the paper is 40 pages (including ALL tables, appendices and references). The paper format should follow the European Management Review Style Guide.
3. Use Times New Roman 12-pitch font, double spaced, and 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around.
4. Number all of the pages of the paper.
5. NO changes in the paper title, abstract, authorship, and actual paper can occur AFTER the submission deadline.
6. Check that the Word File of your paper prints correctly and ensure that the file is virus-free.
7. Submissions will be done via email to: .
8. Only submissions in English shall be accepted for review.
A Scientific Committee composed of our invited guests will conduct the selection process.
Acceptances will be communicated to authors by March 14th, 2016.
Organizing Committee
Gregor Bouville, DRM Management & Organisation, Paris Dauphine
Eric Campoy, DRM Management & Organisation, Paris Dauphine
Christine Vicens, DRM, Paris Dauphine
Mohamed Ikram Nasr, EM Lyon
Melia Djabi, DRM, Paris Dauphine
Laura D’Hont, DRM, Paris Dauphine
Ludvig Levasseur, DRM, Paris Dauphine
Jean-Yves Ottmann, DRM, Paris Dauphine
Pascale De Rozario, CNAM