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Cambridge Handbook of Group Interaction Analysis Call for Contributions


Elisabeth Brauner, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, USA
Margarete Boos, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
Michaela Kolbe, University Hospital Zürich and ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Dear Colleagues,
We invite your contributions of original, revised, and validated coding schemes covering a wide array of research questions addressing group interaction for inclusion in the Handbook of Group Interaction Analysis. Publisher is Cambridge University Press.

Since Mildred Parten observed preschool children in the 1930s and Robert Freed Bales and collaborators assessed social interaction in small groups in the 1950s, a large number of coding schemes have been developed to analyze, via observation, many behavioral aspects of group process and interpersonal communication. However, most of these techniques are scattered across the literature and across disciplines, making it difficult if not impossible to find appropriate methods that have been validated. This often leads to the problem of ‘re-inventing the wheel’, that is, researchers constantly developing new schemes for the same research questions instead of using validated and reliable existing coding schemes that would also allow for comparison across studies and disciplines.
Furthermore, information about the benefits, procedures, advantages, and challenges of interaction analysis is currently not easily accessible. Thus, despite investing time and resources collecting data via behavior observation, often researchers shy away from even getting started with analyzing these data via interaction analysis. At the same time, the field of researchers applying process analysis techniques is constantly growing. An analysis of PsycInfo revealed that there is a considerable increase in publications addressing interaction analysis over the past ten years. Thus, the field needs a resource that assembles theory, methodology, methods, and techniques all in one source.

The objective of this handbook is to provide a comprehensive and extensive set of resources developed across many disciplines of the behavioral sciences for conducting interaction analysis research in groups. It will include chapters on history, theory, methodology, and statistical analyses of interaction research and interaction analysis data. But the main contribution of the handbook will be a comprehensive collection of coding schemes that have been extensively used in prior interaction analysis research. Moreover, it shall include coding schemes addressing novel research questions that close gaps in the systematic analysis of group interaction.
This handbook can be used by researchers new to the field as a starting point with regard to theory and methodology. It can be used by experienced researchers as reference book for common instruments in the field. Moreover, it can be used to teach and promote the interaction analysis approach as a way of studying groups. Currently, no single resource exists that contains a thorough and inclusive set of methodologies, techniques, and tools for interaction analysis.

Topics of Interest
This handbook shall focus on group interaction, which encompasses two or more individuals. Both face-to-face and online interaction can be subject to interaction analysis as well as verbal and non-verbal communication. We are looking for coding schemes covering all areas of group research. Coding schemes implemented in new technological devices are also welcome (e.g., sensor-based measures). Examples include but are not limited to:

• Argumentation
• Change
• Cognition
• Cohesion
• Conflict
• Control
• Coordination
• Culture
• Decision making
• Development
• Discussion
• Emotion
• Feedback
• Formation
• Identity
• Inclusion/Exclusion
• Influence
• Intergroup relations
• Interdependence
• Knowledge and information exchange
• Leadership
• Meetings
• Motivation
• Negotiation
• Networking
• Nonverbal interaction
• Power
• Relationship quality
• Roles and membership
• Structure
• Team efficacy

Important Dates
Send in abstract – June 15, 2016
Decision on inclusion – July 15, 2016
Send in complete chapter – October 1, 2016

Submission Guidelines
Coding schemes can be original development or frequently used and validated. Validated coding schemes are preferred, however, newer coding schemes for which validation information may not yet be available will be considered as well, particularly if respective area is under-researched or underrepresented.
Abstract length must be maximally 200 words. Abstract must include information on original authors and previous publications of the coding scheme as well as the purpose, goals or objectives of the coding scheme. It should also briefly explain the procedure and typical or suggested usage of the coding scheme.
Final chapters must be approximately 2,500 words (excluding references). All coding scheme chapters shall follow the same structure, which can be provided upon request and/or after acceptance of the coding scheme.

Please send your abstract to:

We look forward to receiving your contributions.

Elisabeth Brauner
Margarete Boos
Michaela Kolbe

Cambridge Handbook of Group Interaction Analysis
Brauner, Boos, & Kolbe
Table of Contents

Part I: Theory, History, and Methodology of Interaction Analysis

1. Joann Keyton - Introduction
2. Simone Kauffeld & Annika Meinecke - History of Group Interaction Research
3. Valentin Escudero, Myrna L. Friedlander, & Minsun Lee - Methodology of Dyadic Interaction Analysis
4. Margarete Boos – Methodology of Group Interaction Analysis
5. Michaela Kolbe - Discovering Patterns in Teams: A Systemic Approach
6. Judee Burgoon & Norah Dunbar - Coding Nonverbal Behavior
7. Joanna Setchell - Behavioral Interaction Coding in Animals
8. Michael Rosen - Beyond Coding Interaction: Other Methods of Interaction Analysis

Part II: Methods and Application Issues

9. Elisabeth Brauner - Method of Interaction Analysis: Technical Introduction
10. Julia Seeland - Quality Control: Assessing Reliability and Validity
11. Ezequiel Fernandez Castelao – Guidelines for Training Coders and Developing Coding Manuals
12. Franziska Tschan - DIY: Rules for Coding Scheme Development

Part III: Data Analysis and Statistics

13. Vicenç Quera - Data Analysis of Interaction Data
14. Oliver Rack, Carmen Zahn, & Magdalena Mateescu - Frequency Analysis and Beyond
15. Zhike Lei - Patterns and Structures
16. Joseph Cappella - Processes and Sequences
17. Joseph Bonito & Sarah Staggs - Dependence in Interaction Data
18. Scott Poole - Coding and Analyzing Multiple Levels
19. Eduardo Salas - Feedback Application Dissemination
20. Michael Glueer - Software for Coding Interaction Processes