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Introduction to Latent Change models with Structural Equation Modeling in Mplus 2 - 4 September 2024, Hybrid course – Online and in presence at the University of Bergamo, Italy


Introduction to Latent Change models with Structural Equation Modeling in Mplus
2 - 4 September 2024, Hybrid course – Online and in presence at the University of Bergamo, Italy

This course aims to develop participants’ skills in analyzing Latent Change models using Mplus. Participants will be able to analyze longitudinal data to investigate change over time and interpret the results obtained appropriately.

This is an in-person course and will be also live-streamed online. Regarding teaching methods, it will combine frontal lessons with practical exercises with real data.

The course will be open to national and international PhD students and Faculty members in need to improve their analytic skills in Latent Change Models with structural equation modeling. It will be organized in two and a half days including 5 working sessions. Basic knowledge in multiple regression is required.


The applications will be selected on specific requirements, considering the overall number of participants.

DEADLINE: 30th  of JUNE 2024.

To apply fill in the form and send it to with the subject “application for Latent Change Models course”.