4th EAWOP WorkLab - Practitioner Skills Workshop
Effectively employing mindfulness interventions at work
12th-14th November, 2015, Nuremberg, Germany
Click here to see some video interviews with WorkLab 2015 presenters and participants.
EAWOP would like to invite European practitioners working in the field of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) to join the 4th EAWOP Practitioner Skills WorkLab to be held 12-14 November, 2015 in Nuremberg, Germany. This year, we have an exciting workshop programme focusing on the role and effectiveness of mindfulness interventions in the workplace. We are proud to announce that our academic mindfulness expert is Dr. Ute Hülsheger. We are also delighted to announce that our practitioner mindfulness expert is Marina Grazier from The Mindfulness Exchange.
The workshop format will be similar to previous years; on Thursday afternoon we will set the stage for the workshop, followed by one and a half days with our academic and practitioner experts. Additionally, we will have a number of dedicated interactive sessions where experienced practitioners will facilitate the application of knowledge, tools and techniques to delegates’ challenges of emotional regulation in the workplace.

Effectively employing mindfulness interventions at work
The WorkLab aims to provide a platform for the latest scientific research to be brought to an audience of practitioners, who can thereby develop and enhance their professional practice and skills. The 4th EAWOP WorkLab will be based at the Hotel Victoria Nuremberg, Germany and is an interactive workshop event that provides opportunities to:
· Learn how recent research and theory can be applied in practice;
· Understand modern organizational life and its dynamics better;
· Acquire new skills when working with complex, changing systems;
· Create new methods, tools and approaches in consulting work;
· Network with other practitioners and discuss new ways and methods of working.
Attending the WorkLab will not turn you into a mindfulness practitioner. Instead, you will gain a practical and scientific understanding of what mindfulness is all about; learn how it can be used in the organizational context; and become aware of ways in which you can evaluate whether mindfulness interventions would be effective in your own organization.
In addition, you will have the opportunity to engage in some mindfulness practice and learn about some of the important considerations when choosing a mindfulness training course or engaging a mindfulness practitioner.
Click here to see some video interviews with WorkLab 2014 presenters and participants.
Registration - available to EAWOP Constituent associations and members ONLY (“Click here to register”)
Nominees must be: a) practitioners working in WOP for at least two years; b) have an interest in applying/learning more about emotional regulation; and c) able to evidence being inspired and committed to practitioner activities. Not an EAWOP member? Qualified psychologists can join EAWOP.
WorkLab fee subsidised by EAWOP:
Early bird rate until 14 August, 2015
550 EUR for EAWOP members/Constituent nominations
360 EUR for EAWOP members/Constituent nominations - limited places available for low income countries*
Regular rate until 1 October, 2015
660 EUR for EAWOP members/Constituent nominations
440 EUR for EAWOP members/Constituent nominations - limited places available for Low Income Countries*.
* Low Income Countries: EUROSTAT – we may ask you to room share. http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/tgm/mapToolClosed.do?tab=map&init=1&plugin=1&language=en&pcode=tec00114&toolbox=types
* Delegates may bring an accompanying person; fee € 300 (this includes hotel accommodation for 2 nights at the Hotel Victoria Nürnberg, 2 dinners and a guided tour of Nürnberg)
WorkLab fee must be paid in advance while registering and it includes:
· Workshop participation
· Hotel accommodation for 2 nights at the Hotel Victoria Nuremberg
· All lunches, dinners and refreshments during the conference
· A guided city tour of Nuremberg.
Organising Committee:
Dr Angela Carter (UK) a.carter@sheffield.ac.uk
Helen Baron (UK) helen@hbaron.co.uk
Dr Diana Rus (NL) d.rus@creative-peas.com
Leanne Ingram (UK) leanne.ingram@sheffield.ac.uk
Dr Colin Roth (DE) colin.roth@blackboxopen.com